Monday, October 10, 2011

Lost in Pottermore

I expect everyone knows what Pottermore is, or at least have heard of it.
When I first heard of it, I wasn't too interested. Mainly because it was just too awesome. Yeah, I'm not making sense, but that's how I honestly felt. They said that only 1 million people will be chosen to enter early, but the lucky 1 million must find the magic quill first. I was stop by the site every day to just read the clues and wonder where that would lead. Nonetheless, I knew the competition to find the quill must be fierce so I didn't even bother with it. One day, on the last day of the challenge, I was googling random things about Harry Potter when I came across a site that translates what ever you type into Parsletongue or how ever you spell the snake language. I decided to check it out. Well what do you know, I came across the magic quill! So yes, I did end up getting into Pottermore early - and I am really really happy that I randomly came across it. I guess the saying is right: "If you aren't looking for it, it will come to you". The main purpose of this entree is to say how addictive Pottermore has become. I already have Twitter and Tumblr that just consumes me, but now there is also Pottermore. The best thing about Pottermore is that I can read the book a long with it and just get lost in the world of Harry Potter, something I've been dying to do since it's too late for me to enter Hogwarts. I have accomplished all my spells, but I am FAILING at potions! Currently I'm waiting for my potion to brew so hopefully this one turns out better.
Apparently the Harry Potter stars have Pottermore accounts too and they will be hanging out in the common rooms of their houses. I haven't come across any of them though, so I'm starting to doubt the rumor. One thing that I was disappointed about Pottermore is that the whole chapters are no within the site. The other thing is how every single comments are moderated so you have to wait couple days before it is posted. I also wish that the common rooms and the great hall would have a large virtual chat box where we can just all talk and connect better. It's easier that way. I understand that they are concerned about safety, but why else would there me moderators? ;) I wish that we could look around the common rooms and the great hall 3D like all the other chapters. It would also be awesome if JK Rowling could add Hogsmeade to the places we can visit.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Skool is Not Kool

I think my most common phrase is "I'm sorry, I was too busy". Even though every time I say it, I truly mean it - it seems like it has lost its meaning to many people.

Currently it is four minutes past midnight and I should probably brush my teeth and go to bed. However, I felt that I should at least finish one thing today and that is posting something on here, whether that would really make a difference to anyone else but me. You see, that's my problem. I always do things with consideration of others and never just for myself. I was raised to think selflessly that it's beyond my comprehension if I had to do something just for the sake of me. Thus, putting the whole doing something for myself once in a while act into practice, I thought I would just update this blog, just so I can at least sleep with feeling 10% accomplished.

Why was I so busy?

Well, the first monster to keep me away from my passion of drawing, painting, reading, taking pictures, being with friends and blogging was SAT. Anyone finished taking their's yet?

After that, well - obviously my AP classes. Taking three (I guess not much depending on the person) is quite a lot for me and I've been up this late studying for my AP Calculus. I don't even know why I'm taking it.

Anyways, being the usual me, I lost the will power to blog more interesting stuff half way through blogging so I'm going to use lack of sleep as an excuse and ditch.

Many apologies...if anyone even cares.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Intellectual Rant

I realized something.

I first created this blog so I can have another blog that is not like my Tumblr: xBliss where I can talk more about my daily life and thoughts instead of posting more fashion and beauty stuff. Clearly I must be into those things because instead of posting things about my uneventful life, I keep talking about the awesome luxurious things I found online and trending TV shows that I'm currently watching.

I envy those bloggers who can post once a day or once every two days about their life and thoughts. I seriously don't have enough things to talk about on my blogs and I don't know how to consistent with things like that...unless it involves fashion. Even that much I'm not THAT consistent because clearly I haven't updated this blog for a while.

After all, I did start creating blogs after watching Julie & Julia starring Meryl Streep (favourite actress!!). Julie loves writing so she decided to start a blog. I could totally relate to her love of writing. She then focused her blog mainly on cooking all the recipes of Julia, an amazing chef. I think it's the main theme that I am lacking. Obviously I subconsciously created a theme of posting about my favourite TV shows, fashion, beauty and other luxurious products. Maybe I will just stick with those themes and from time to time have these rants about random moments in life or random epiphanies I've had.

Anyways, I have to go for dinner so I'll post a bunch of stuff I've been really looking forward to blogging about!

Monday, August 1, 2011

My Addiction

Unlike so many teenagers these days, I happen to be addicted to something else other than pot and alcohol. It's Tumblr. Since I found Tumblr last year, I've been hooked on it. There are so many hilarious posts and beautiful photography, I'm always online reblogging everything I see.

This is my main blog xbliss. It is basically my online archive of all photography that I love. Obviously, I did not take any of the photographs so I do not take credit for it. The blog mainly consists of fashion, luxurious food, fancy rooms and some admirable celebrities. I also like to through in some poetic photography and many scenery. Currently I'm looking for a new theme for it, but I really like the current one I have so I'm just in my typical dilemma of indecisiveness.

This is my mini blog where I post everything that is extremely glamorous. I realized that with xBliss, I started making a code for myself and any photography that didn't follow the "code" wouldn't be reblogged, but I would be in love with the photograph nonetheless. So I decided: Fine, I'll keep up with my special "code" for my main blog, but create a mini one where the rejected, but still admire photographs be posted. I love both just as equally so go check both of them out.

If you don't have Tumblr or God forbid, don't KNOW what Tumblr is, then you have to go check it out and sign up. Trust me, it will change your life (as cliche and over exaggerated as that sounds, it's true!!).


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Luxury We Crave

After my year of involvement on Tumblr, I started really getting into reblogging luxurious items, such has pictures of beautiful rooms, delicious looking foods and gorgeous jewelries.

Just look at this stunning bathroom. I would bath in it twice every day!

This drink looks amazing. Seems like something given from Heaven!

That one bad I want to be seen with every day :)

Anyways, there are tones more, so many that I can't upload enough onto here. So if you want to see more, I suggest you sign up for Tumblr and start following amazing people...or at least check out some awesome Tumblr blogs.


p.s. I do not own these photographs. They belong to their rightful owners. I merely got them from the posts on Tumblr.

Stupid Things That People Do

I don't know if I have mentioned it before, but I work at a clothing store.
It's awesome working there, I love helping people and working together with my co-workers. However, there are times when some customers and a certain co-worker do things that really frustrates me to the point where I almost say something I would regret later.

For example, this one co-worker likes to slack off on days when her boyfriend texts her. So every time she gets a text, she always asks one of us to take over what ever she is doing so she can go to the back room and text. Sure, once or twice we will do it for her, but if she is going to do it every 10 minutes...

The number one thing that people do in change rooms that can really ruin my day is just throwing clothes on the grown, all wrinkled. I understand that do decided not to buy it, but someone else will and in order for us to put it back on the rack, we have to really clean it up. Unfortunately, most of the time the clothes get too damaged to sell so we end up throwing it out. The other thing is when teenage girls one in and they try on a lot of different things. They demand each others opinion and then after about an hour or two of trying things on, they just leave. Okay, so I'm not saying that people HAVE to buy something, but if you are going to take up 5 change rooms and have us running around grabbing sizes, at least decide on something or don't bother shopping until you know for sure you will buy something!

Anyways, I just thought of a better thing to blog about than rant so I'll end it here and make another post :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Don't Leave Yet!

I will update another post soon. Promise. Just waiting for this crazy week to be over!

Thursday, June 30, 2011


I don't know what to do with my life.

There are so many things I've started and so little I've actually finished. I have no closure and I seriously need one before I do anything else. The scary thing is, I'll be graduating next June. It seems like a long way away, but in reality, it's going to come up SO fast. My university application needs to be in before January and in order for me to even have any chance of getting in, I NEED CLOSURE.

On a brighter note, my weekend was rather nice since I watched Ferris Bueller's Day Off :)
Such a good movie. Mathew Broderick is just so cute and Mia Sara who plays Bueller's girlfriend, Sloane, was just stunning back then!!

Sometimes I wish I had the time and will power to just run off like that for a whole day and do crazy shit. I have the motivation, it's just I know how my parents and school will react. Plus my friends aren't into being too rebellious so I would end up doing it by myself...

Although I would really enjoy his amazing musical number with the parade <3


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Excellent Subsitution

So while I'm suppose to be spending a productive summer, obviously I get distracted.
Since I'm waiting for the next seasons of my most watched TV shows to return in fall, I started watching Pretty Little Liars.

First I thought it was extremely peppy, but now I don't mind it as much. It definitely entertains me enough.

Pretty Little Liars is about four girls waiting to hear news from their friend, Alison, who disappeared a year ago. Then in the most cliched manner, Alison's body is found. Then the girls are blackmailed by an unknown source named "A" who seems to know all their secrets that they've only told their dead friend Alison. And then the whole teenage life thing starts with betrayals, dating the hot young English teacher, family going broke and so on. The whole theme of the first season seems to be them trying to find out what exactly happened to Alison, who killed her and who this "A" is and what he/she wants.

It has enough plot, character variety and little "intense" moments to help you burn time. :)

Oh btw. I'm getting more and more addicted to Tumblr...!


Thursday, June 23, 2011


Aren't they just beautiful?
The sad thing is, I can't eat too many cupcakes. I can barely finish an average sized one. I guess I can't handle sweet things as much as I wish I could. I love looking at them though. It's the simplest way to make someone's day. They are always so small and elegant! Just imagine the skills and patience that took to create these, especially with all the tiny details!!

These are so amazing, they are not real! Well they are, but it's just unbelievable! Who could possible eat these? And they are also the world's favourite designer brands. :)
Honestly, some foods are just pure art and not meant to be eaten. Even if a professional baker baked me these every day, I would still have trouble even picking one up!

I found the pictures on Tumblr, see why I love that site so much?


Let's start with my love for fashion. Especially photography that involves fashion.
That's why I've been hooked on Tumblr. My photoblog is pretty much my little archive of photography I love. It's my way of collecting them and sharing them without taking up disk space on my computer.

I've always been into more black and white fashion. Something that was always jazzy and sexy. Recently, I've become more interested in floral, pastel fashion for spring and summer. Elegance is 2011's statement in my opinion, although InStyle magazine disagrees and says it's bold colours.

This blog isn't focused around fashion and photography, but I thought I would throw a few in just to keep me interested, and hopefully make my blog have more things to look at. If this still bores you, I advise you to go visit my Tumblr. It's definitely more lively, but I promise I'll work on this one too. And now I'm blabbing so I'll stop. :)


Productive Summer

Yes, my summer is an oxymoron this year.

While everyone else is enjoying the sun and wondering what senior year will be like, I will be stuck at work, volunteering like mad and studying for my AP subjects in Grade 12. Okay, so maybe I won't do so academically horrible in my final year of high school, but I want to be out there enjoying the sun. Since I'm so bored at home and the only communication I am getting with all my friends is through text, no shit that I am online trying to amuse myself for a bit while I take a break from studying and doing all the stuff I shouldn't be doing over the summer. On the bright side, I have things to write about in my university application and I will look more accomplished than I am since I spent the summer in a productive way.

I'm going to get my license soon and hopefully earn enough money to convince my parents to help me buy a used car and I pay half of it or something. Then I'll have more freedom to meet friends so I wouldn't be complaining as much.

On a random thought, I wonder how many people actually read different blogs and judge the people. I'm not being too self conscious about it, but just a thought. I barely judge unless I come across an extremely controversial blog post, then I may throw in my opinion while I read.

Anyways...I'm off.


Okay, maybe to those who uses Tumblr and Twitter probably figured I'm actually not completely MIA.

I guess I just stopped using Blogger because I was pretty happy with Tumblr and I could blog about my extremely boring life on there too using a sub blog. But then AmourEmeline indirectly reminded me on Tumblr that I still happen to have this account existing. Now that I am back, I thought maybe I will start blogging on here again. But that's a MAYBE. I'm actually too busy to be even online right now, but I still subtly juggle Tumblr and Twitter. Adding Blogger might be a little too much but we shall see. After all, it's summer anyway.

Now that I think about it, I ditched Blogger because I wasn't really active with it in the first place and never bothered with connecting with people on here and even bother following. That's probably why it just slipped out of my memory for...about a year.

I'm going to start looking around again and see if I can find good blogs to follow. I hate ditching accounts unless I really hate it so I delete it. So hopefully I can get my ball rolling again.
