Saturday, July 16, 2011

Stupid Things That People Do

I don't know if I have mentioned it before, but I work at a clothing store.
It's awesome working there, I love helping people and working together with my co-workers. However, there are times when some customers and a certain co-worker do things that really frustrates me to the point where I almost say something I would regret later.

For example, this one co-worker likes to slack off on days when her boyfriend texts her. So every time she gets a text, she always asks one of us to take over what ever she is doing so she can go to the back room and text. Sure, once or twice we will do it for her, but if she is going to do it every 10 minutes...

The number one thing that people do in change rooms that can really ruin my day is just throwing clothes on the grown, all wrinkled. I understand that do decided not to buy it, but someone else will and in order for us to put it back on the rack, we have to really clean it up. Unfortunately, most of the time the clothes get too damaged to sell so we end up throwing it out. The other thing is when teenage girls one in and they try on a lot of different things. They demand each others opinion and then after about an hour or two of trying things on, they just leave. Okay, so I'm not saying that people HAVE to buy something, but if you are going to take up 5 change rooms and have us running around grabbing sizes, at least decide on something or don't bother shopping until you know for sure you will buy something!

Anyways, I just thought of a better thing to blog about than rant so I'll end it here and make another post :)

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