Thursday, June 30, 2011


I don't know what to do with my life.

There are so many things I've started and so little I've actually finished. I have no closure and I seriously need one before I do anything else. The scary thing is, I'll be graduating next June. It seems like a long way away, but in reality, it's going to come up SO fast. My university application needs to be in before January and in order for me to even have any chance of getting in, I NEED CLOSURE.

On a brighter note, my weekend was rather nice since I watched Ferris Bueller's Day Off :)
Such a good movie. Mathew Broderick is just so cute and Mia Sara who plays Bueller's girlfriend, Sloane, was just stunning back then!!

Sometimes I wish I had the time and will power to just run off like that for a whole day and do crazy shit. I have the motivation, it's just I know how my parents and school will react. Plus my friends aren't into being too rebellious so I would end up doing it by myself...

Although I would really enjoy his amazing musical number with the parade <3


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