Thursday, February 18, 2010

Too Quick

My life turns too quickly. For a bit I was having bad days and this morning was none the less same as usual but soon, everything suddenly became bright! The sun started to shine and the weather got warmer. On top of that I scored a great mark on my physics test! Then after school, everything went down hill. I got into an argument with my mom about my college preparation and the process of application. It was slightly frustrating. My mom felt that I was not working hard enough and wasn't sure if I would get into the college of my choice, while I on the other hand is actually trying my best. But that cooled down and I'm back to a nice relaxing evening eating chips. :)

Talking about college, it makes me think beyond the time that I am in. Future is unknown to all of us and it's hard making decisions when you don't know exactly what is a head. I have so many plans for college but if I look at it in reality, I begin to ask myself if such things are possible, if I will actually end up doing it or whether I even could. I realized that I have to plan my future very carefully and realistically (well no duh) but also I have to make sure my plans are open because my theory is that anyone can change their mind over night. For a while I might wanted have wanted to be a doctor, but suddenly after taking a great course in history...I might want a major in history! So that is my plan, make a realistic open goal.

Before I ditch, I need a purpose or at least some type of a topic. Julia from Julie&Julia started a blog with all her cooking things. I would love to do that but it is not original anymore (since it is Julie's idea) and I would never find the time and effort to actually cook different plates every day. It would be difficult and stupid school gets in the way. If anyone out there is even bothering to read this, what should I write about? It has to be a topic that can be consistant.

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