Sunday, February 14, 2010

Clearing Things Out

Okay, just for my sake...and possibly yours, I am going to clear things up.
My twitter is for me tweeting about everything that is happening in my life ever second. So pretty much what everyone else is using it for. My myspace is for social networking (mainly with my online buddies) . My formspring is just for questions, and no other particular reasons. My msn is my instant chat...what else can it be? My tumblr is for my random quotes and artistic pictures I find from other users or from myself, its like my art blog. This blog is just for everything else. Blabbing about life (is blab even a word?) and generally a summery on each day.

While writing this, I thought of a new goal and a new rule. The goal is, after all...journal writing is apperently good for you (I don't know in what way) so I will try to write a post everyday about what ever I find to write about. If anyone is even reading this. As for the rule, anyone can add me on those different sites you can communicate which means that I will accept all of you but that also means that I have every right to delete any one of you if I don't feel comfortable about you being on my list of buddies. But don't take me too harshly. :P

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