Saturday, February 20, 2010

Skip A Day

Darn, this morning when I woke up I realized that I didn't keep to my words and missed out a blogging yesterday! Well, as if anyone is reading this and if anyone even cares. Anyways, I meant to write one this morning but my life is complicated but boring...two adjectives that should never go together but then again, life isn't fair so I guess I'll just put up with it. I just never got around to writing one until now.

To be honest, the second reason was because I was hoping something interesting will happen during the day for me to blog about but the day was same as usual. Maybe I could just tell you every detail of it and that make amuse you since I'm always living my life and it gets boring after a while but you never have. A great new experience. No. I will not do that.

The only interesting thing that happened today is that my mom got a speeding ticket while giving me a lecture about college. Really funny. The cop took $100 off because my mom was being a caring mom concerned about her daughter's college.

Okay, maybe I somewhat lied...that wasn't the only interesting thing. My best friend and I went out shopping and I admit, it felt so good to shop again. I caught up with all the new sales and everything! I made about 7 membership cards at different stores. They actually come in handy from time to time! We bought 2 pairs of shoes and I got myself 3 different new outfits but now I think I'm broke.Talking about money, I think I should start a new money system. I am going to get a shoe box and divide it with envelopes and label them as: Shopping Money, Food Money, Gift Money, Future Savings. That way I can keep track of how much money I use and I will never be broke again! Now where do I find a shoe box....

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