Sunday, February 14, 2010

Not Everything Start from the Beginning

Those of you who know me from either twitter, tumblr, myspace or just me commenting on your blog probably think me crazy because I get out of my way to make a blogger and blab about nothing. Well I am crazy and I am blogging about nothing.
I was always told to keep a personal diary but I was always against that idea. I didn't want to write about my inner most thoughts on solid paper because what ever you put down on something solid is doomed to be read by someone sooner or later. It could be read after I die but still, I don't want others knowing about what happened during the day, how I felt about it and what I thought about it.

Now you must be wondering why I started a blog! After all, blog is kind of a personal diary except you don't actually talk about the inner inner most thoughts and it's dead public. The whole world can seeit. Well, I started this because after watching Julie&Julia, I was inspired...I guess but I have nothing to write about. I could write about youtube not working well for me right now and I want to chuck something at it but that would mean that I won't have a computer for a while so I will save myself from misery.
Back on topic, I didn't know what to write about or how...but I decided that I will start anyway and just blab. Maybe I will get somewhere or maybe not. I don't think it matters. After all, how many people who cares are actually reading this? Probably none.

Another small thing came into my mind. Many great blogs have lots of pictures on their posts. Not only am I too lazy to take pictures but connecting the camera to my laptop and uploading it is almost out of question. So, if you are reading and bored enough to come back to see if I posted another blab...don't expect many pictures, as a matter of a fact, don't expect any.

Now that I have just bursted everyone's mood by my extremely practical and random blog with me just blabbing, I hope that things turn around and I write something more...interesting and less practical. If you are actually reading things...thank you. :)

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