Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fugly Day Ever!!

Today was probably one of the worst days of my recorded history of life. I woke up one hour before the alarm clock and couldn't get back to sleep so I was very tired this morning. On top of that, as soon as I arrived at school a girl came up to me and reminded me that I have to do my community service trip today! I didn't even know the girl but that isn't my point. Its not like I have anything against community service, I was just not in the mood and I forgot to bring money for my lunch so it pretty much meant 2 hours of hard work and no food.
Half way through the day, I was told that I had a physics test today which I was not aware of. I don't know how well I did on it. To make things even worse, one of my friend asked me if I was ready for my math unit test coming up tomorrow. Clearly I wasnt aware of a unit test.

What is wrong with me? Why am I not aware of these things and not organized? Maybe I knew about them but just forgot because I am stressed out this semester. Its just not fair. Sometimes I hate teachers for assigning things even though they are suppose to.

Enough of my ranting. There wasn't anything grand about my stupid day...other than the fact that the cafeteria had fresh baked brownies which made up for some of the bad things. Even though our cafeteria isn't fancy, they actually have great food! I enjoy eating there! Oh, another nice thing that happened today was that my friends and I had a short water fight while at the community service center. That was fun but we became really cold after!!

Thats it for today, I should go and work on my homework and study for my math test.

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