Sunday, November 7, 2010

Things I do on Sunday Mornings...

On Friday afternoon, I go to coffee shops with friends or just kick around in the neighbourhood. Then on Saturday, I do some school work and go out for dinner with the family or friends. Sometimes both. But when it comes to Sundays, I have my very special tradition that I hate missing out on.

Every Sunday morning, I wake up and have breakfast. I bring my tea or coffee back up to my room and open the windows. Then I curl up on my chair and watch an episode of Desperate Housewives. If I am feeling more up to it, I watch Nikita. I highly recomand those two shows.

Desperate Housewives is about 6 (or 5 or sometimes even 7 depending on the season) who go through pretty much what all girls and women will go through before we die. Marriage, divorces, sending our youngest kid to Grade 1, watching kids grow into rebelious teenagers, deaths, finance issues and last but not least, gossips and scandals. Each housewives have their own tastes and personalities. Luckily, they are all amazing friends, well most of the time. Each of the housewives' husbands represents almost every type of men you can find on this earth. They are all great, but have their own awful flaws. I love watching it in the morning, you can't get the same taste while watching it during the evening!

Nikita is probably one of those shows that doesn't suit morning times. It's an assasin TV show with lot's of drama, action and even "less" peppy romance. It's about a top assasin who works for a secret agency called the Divison who escapse it after she learns that they are out of control and are more of personal mercenaries. They also killed her finace who is a "civilian" and apparently that illegal for the assasins. I personally think Maggie Q (Nikita) is amazing and she totally suits the role. Honestly, take my word and watch these two shows if you are not hooked already. I don't know exactly what channels and times they come on but when I find out, I'll post them up later!
Anyways, other than that nothing is new. I should probably go finish French and Math homework!

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