Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Thing That I Hate Most...

The thing that I hate the most is when people start something enthusiastically then just stop doing it or lose interest real soon. Ironically, I do that. I'm such a hypocrite.

I started this blog with alot of enthusiasm and eagerness but I lost interested after a few posts. It may be because I never found the time. Or it could be because my life isn't as exciting as I thought and I had nothing to write about. It could have been that I only blab and complain about things that makes me not want to post things anymore. Sadly, it may be because this blog is not well known and I don't have the audience to feed my motivation.

Either way, I'm back because this year, I am going to defeat many of my flaws. No, I cannot be perfect but when I do find a flaw in myself, I would like to acknowledge it.

So life has been rather good actually. You may be surprised to hear how I remained happy throughout these though months. School work as increased, not just in quantity but also in quality. Teachers now don't take bullshit on essays anymore. People struggle trying to maintain B average when most of us used to get A average. Not to mention that I am now taking AP courses and even studying for the SAT incase I felt like going to an American college. My piano is getting harder every year, probably because I don't find time to practice it!
But who cares about my troubles with academics, everyone wants to hear the juicy high school drama, which adults are happy they got over and teenagers want to hear more, just so they feel better about their dramatic relationships with others.

Honestly, I never liked getting involved but I always end up being involved anyway so I gave up this year trying to avoid it. I might as well face it like a solider. Rumors are pretty gross but the sad thing is, if you are going to make up a rumor, make it believable and ambiguous so that it can't be traced back to you. Unfortunately, people at my school fails at that so many rumors are made to back fire at the person who spread it. I'm not going to go into details on exactly what rumors are going around this year because it's not important...haha...

Tomorrow I'm going to write a post about the new TV shows I've been watching and put up a review of it. I might post a YouTube video of their first episodes if you want to watch it and see if you want to be addicted to them like me!
On that note (which you probably guessed if you are even reading down till now...), I am going to get back to my science project and be more productive!

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