Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Long time no post!
But this time I have a huge purpose for my blog post.

Have any of you watched Legend of the Seeker? Well if you haven't, I suggest you do so by going to hulu.com or casttv.com - you won't regret it! It is nothing like reality shows or drama shows like Gossip Girl. I personally became extremely attached to it the second I saw it on TV!

But sadly, season 3 has been cancelled. The fans, including me, will not stand for it to be cancelled and are now raising awareness that we love the show and WE WANT IT BACK.

If you are a fan, go to:

http://www.saveourseeker.com/ and buy Season 1 DVDs


write to the stations, Disney and DirectTV about how much you will miss the show and the show is totally worth it! (visit saveourseeker for mailing details) - you could write an email as well but letters are more affective!

If you have twitter:

Tweet to DirectTV, ABC_Publicity and other related stations! And spread the word to your followers!

If you missed an episode:

visit http://www.hulu.com/ and/or http://casttv.com/

If you have not watched Legend of the Seeker:

visit the sites above AND WATCH THE EPISODES!

If you are a fan or not really a fan - or don't know what I am talking about:

visit http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/LOTS3 and sign the petition just for the sake of signing a petition and making a difference!

Hopefully this post makes a difference! Thank you so much to those who did at least one of the things I listed up there! It truly is a great show that does not present crap that 90% of the shows on TV seems to present these days...



Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Look at me, look how terrible I am!

After that long blog of nothing of negativity (which I am always expressing these days) I completely forgot that today is Mother's Day!

Well that is a lie, I already gave my mommy a gift :)

But that is not the point! I just want to wish all the mothers out there, and of course, MY MOMMY a very happy Mother's Day! Mothers are amazing, you all deserve today!

Tick Tock


That is all I can say for now. Wow.
It's been a REALLY long time since I last blogged. I suppose there are quite a few reasons on why I stopped for a while. One as you can all guess is that it was because I was extremely busy that I could not keep up with everything. Second, I was litterally running out of things to say and do. Because my camera cord is still broken and I cannot send all the pictures to my computer, there isn't anything visually interesting to show. My life is as boring as a blank page. I suppose I can describe to you what my school is like or something but who really cares? Plus, I'm not so big with all the sites at the moment. I actually never took the time to really advertise it and show my long lost online friends that I am back with a simple blog. Clearly this isn't my number one passion anymore.

I think I first started this blog after a long "hiatus" from online world is because after watching Julie&Julia I became inspired by that! Then as soon as I started, I realized that I have nothing interesting purpose to blog like Julie, who blogged about her cooking.

I also have this pheobia, maybe it was the true reason I quit the online world a while ago. My pheobia is that online people (who I don't know, won't know and probably never will) starting to know me more and better. It just feels strange. I'm always the type that keeps to myself and I have my dirty little secrets too that I refuse to share. No, I'm not a loner. I have friends, as a matter of a fact I am very social at school and in my non-online world. I think it is because online, you just don't know who you are dealing with and the whole world can learn about you if they could. That is one reason I never post my pictures online (other than social networking sites that I'm on with my real life friends) because of the same pheobia. Is there even a scientific word for this pheobia?

Then my sister suggested that I can a livejournal or deviantart where I can really blog and display things that I really like while not giving out too much personal stuff that makes me feel uncomfortable. Great idea, but what am I really suppose to upload? I barely have time to work on my graphic arts. Ranting about life is the best I can do.

Enough about this, just wanted to get it out there...if anyone even cares or is reading this. I am on twitter often though, if you would like to follow :P

Take care!